Re: Tomcat Proto Report

From: <>
Date: Mon Feb 05 2001 - 20:41:56 EST

tm wrote:
> Jed had an adapter harness that allowed him to connect a Wells Gardner 6100 HV cage to the Amplifone monitor. He did have to add a small transformer to power the filament voltage. The quality of the vectors and the convergence of his monitor was incredible. It's the best I have ever seen. (I forgot my digital camera on that visit)

Was this a result of the 6100/amplifone hack, or does Jed know the
secret to vector monitor convergence?


I think it was a combination of low hours on the tube, awesome convergence and the redesign of the vector generator. The vectors looked just as good with the red amplifone HV transformer, as they did with the 6100 HV cage.

It should be a fairly easy task to modify current vector generators to work just as well. We will need to wait for Jed's schematics, but he said it was a trivial task to make the changes.


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