New Space Wars Rom info

From: Paul Sommers <>
Date: Tue Feb 06 2001 - 03:49:45 EST


Thanks for all the help so far - but tying pin 21 to high doesn't have any
effect. I haven't tried Peter's adaptor yet because I'm not sure what masked
roms I have.

I am using the Star Hawks schematics because the Space War Schematics (apart
from wiring and sound) are not on-line. Star Hawks runs on a rev B boardset so
it SHOULD be the same.

The schematic lists the roms as 2616 - a part I can't find at freetradezone.

Here is a snip from Steve O's FAQ:

The actual Cinematronics boards do have wiring modifications (for an unused
gate) for boards using 2716s vs. 2732s, but this only involves adding wires
to use an extra gate for addressing the larger address space in a 2732

There are no jumpers so they obvioulsy are 2716 compatible. It's just working
out the masking. The following is also from the FAQ:

The markings on the
masked ROMS are as follows (note that the markings from three different sets
of Space Wars boards are below....their are only two masked ROMS per board):

               'S' 7825 2147 and 'S' 7823 2148

BOARD SET #2: 'S' 8204 'S' 7818
                 C28277M and 2148
                   2147 SPACE WARS
                                               COPYRIGHT 1977

BOARD SET #3: 'S' 7825E<-----?E? 'S' 7819D
                 C28277M and C28276M
                   2147 2148
                   ^---this one chip
                       in set #3 was
                       in a socket

My set is the third set but the chip # is 7820D which is different to all of
these. I hoping the additional part numbers could help you narrow down exactly
what masked roms I have and how I can wire a 2716 to fit.

All help is greatly appreciated. These beasts are rare in Australia - and I
mean RARE!

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