RE: Old Project - Finish It?

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Feb 09 2001 - 12:26:58 EST

>I'm not trusting this and think something fishy is in my code.
>1.) Look at 0x0030. AVG and DVG has a maximum Y of 768, correct?
>2.) Would someone with an Asteroids verify the test pattern
> starts around X=128 and touches the bottom of the screen
> (no mame, no asteroids right now)

I think that's right-- the DVG should have 1024x1024 resolution. The trick
is that the aspect ratio of the tube is 4:3, so the Y axis only has 768
"visible" resolution. My Asteroids machine is burried behind a bunch of
crap in my garage at the moment or I'd try your code out for you... :-/

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