Re: melting through 2901s?

From: Doug Jefferys <>
Date: Mon Feb 12 2001 - 13:09:33 EST

On Mon, 12 Feb 2001, Rodger Boots wrote:
> Somewhere I have some drop-in replacements for the 2901's that were
> done in CMOS. Possibly IDT made them. I wonder what I ever did with
> them. There were even CMOS replacements for the 2916 that could have
> replaced all 4 of the 2901s using a single chip. I don't think I ever
> had any of those, though.

Regarding the 2901 replacement - I think there's a 64-pin (looks like an
old-sk00l 68000 chip - 0.600" wide) DIP chip on a Hydra board that's AMD's
equivalent to "four 2901s in a single chip". Damned if I can remember the
chip number anymore.


 dougj   |
   @     | |
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