RE: Sega G-80/Cinematronics Multigame Soundboard

From: Fish, David <>
Date: Tue Feb 27 2001 - 16:51:05 EST

> > I really wish it was that simple, it would have saved alot of time
> > and effort... errr... I mean it will save someone alot of time and
> > effort. The speech data is not formatted the same in every game,
> > Space Fury and Astro Blaster share the same format but it's
> different
> > for Star Trek and Zektor, hence, the different code in
> EPROM #808B vs.
> > EPROM #1607. Simple bank switching of the SP0250 data doesn't work.
> > You would have to bank switch the CODE also, kinda kludgy.
> I don't get it. I thought bank-switching the ROMS would be
> just like pulling out one set of EPROMS and putting in
> another set of EPROMS (which works just fine on speech
> boards). Wouldn't you just need to bank switch 4 separate EPROMS?

 Yes, you CAN do it that way. You'd bank switch the PROGRAM and SPEECH
DATA EPROMS all at once and reboot the 8035 micro. That would work fine.
But it's also possible, by re-writing the code, to be able to switch
between speech sets 'on the fly' without having to reset the micro. This
also avoids inter-board cabling. No big thing but I thought it was
worth doing, maybe I was wrong.

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Received on Tue Feb 27 17:23:03 2001

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