Re: Cosmic Chasm Sideart

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Sat Mar 03 2001 - 14:37:52 EST

>I'd like some thoughts on this as well. I'm trying to find a suitable
>solution to CPO and marquees reproduction on a one or two run basis... I
>know Atari did it on their prototypes.

I don't know how much it would cost, but the thought had occurred to me to
simply put together a small-ish, manual silk-screening station.

With that photo-sensitive masking stuff you can pretty much just print each
screen layer on transparencies in a laser printer (composite them together)
and expose the screen. Maybe a little manual touch-up afterwards. The
screens can all be washed and recycled.

I'd guess with some experience and practice it would be quite practical to
do 4 or 5 color screens that way. It'd be time-consuming, but the cash
outlay wouldn't be *too* bad, and paint is cheap. ;-)

(anybody work at a T-shirt silk-screening shop? :-)


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