We are at the point of doing the PCB layout for a ISA Vector Controller that
works with MAME
and we are also working on the Schematic changes to make it a PCI version as
we are asked constantly about running LaserMAME on vector monitors, so we may
be a good point of presence for this project as well... and maybe even for
Sales/Distributation or bartered banners/links
2 months/4 months expected release time frame... Pricing is more geared to
talking to Laser Projectors but I am trying to keep the cost down to under $500
(500 is cheap for laser show equipment, but maybe able to work the ISA down to
$200-250) I hope...
so there maybe a new market for these monitors, beyond maintenance
also there is a market that I can front, for Laser Show Designers that have to
run equipment that cost $100-500/hour to operate
to see what they are doing... they would defiently be interested.. probably
100-200 people
Rob Mudryk
James Nelson wrote:
> New Vector Monitor Poll
> Please Go to this poll, it will only take a minute
> http://us.votenow.de/?104625
> James
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