Re: Vector/Raster switchable monitor?

From: Rodger Boots <>
Date: Mon Apr 02 2001 - 02:08:34 EDT

I just got back from the ASI game show in 'Vegas. There is a company that makes an arcade cabinet using a MAME
ripoff. They are SO proud of it, and will tell you at great length why it's so much better than MAME because
"we have licenses to the games we use". It would be cute to look at their software and see if it isn't an
illegal MAME copy.

Total turkeys!

This machine, though, isn't that. As a later letter says, it IS a DOS version of MAME with a VGA monitor.

Noel Johnson wrote:

> Anyone seen this auction?:
> Apparantly this guy has designed a monitor which can support both vector and raster games... (yeah right)..
> Either that or it's a MAME cabinet..
> It's even been "upgraded" to play with a joystick! I can hardly wait to try Tempest with a joystick... NOT!
> noel
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