My BattleZone plays great and as far as I can tell, passes the self test.
It has one problem that I am aware of. When the player gets to enter his
initials at the end of the game by pushing or pulling the stick, it has no
effect on the letter that is chosen. Instead, the letter advances to the
next one in the alphabet, constantly, regardless of how the stick is
positioned. It does not affect anything if I push the stick back and forth.
My first impression was that the switch might be stuck in the up position,
but it works normally in game play mode. So then I figured that the Pokeys
might be to blame, so I replaced those. No difference. Does anyone know
what it is, off hand? I have not yet taken the time to try to examine the
signals on the board, so I'll do that next. I just figured someone might
know off the top of their head and save me a little time.
Thanks for your help!
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