----- Original Message -----
From: "Graham Toal" <gtoal@gtoal.com>
To: <vectorlist@synthcom.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 1959 3:59 PM
Subject: VECTOR: 3D?
> Some video games have a semi-silvered mirror in order to superimpose
> some background on the display. I was wondering... if I had two
> monitors (or more likely flat panels, because of size constraints)
> separated by a 45 degree semi-silvered mirror, so that they appeared
> superimposed, and if I put a sheet of polarizing film in front of
> each, at 90 degrees to each other, would the polarized light stay
> polarized through the semi-silvered mirror? Because if that worked,
> I could make a real neat true 3D game using x-y polarized glasses
> (which anyone who's ever been to a 3D Imax will know is a *much*
> more eye-friendly solution than anything that has a separate views
> for each eye, such as a Holmes scope or electronic piezo-electric
> glasses that switch at 50Hz.
You don't even need to be that complex! You just need 2 images driven at 2
different focal points (depths). Do a web search on "Dark Planet" (a 3D
Sega game that used 2 monitors and mirror tricks to do just what you are
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Received on Tue Apr 3 03:08:23 2001
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