Re: Dumb EE question

From: Zonn <>
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 20:24:47 EDT

A little ASCII art:

       |\ ----
A -----| >o----| \
       |/ | )----- O
B -------------| /

The little guy is an invertor, the big guy is an AND gate. Good luck!


On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 17:14:48 -0700 (PDT), Neil Bradley <>

>Believe it or not, this is vector related. I have a truth table that looks
>like this:
>A B | O
>0 0 | 0
>0 1 | 1
>1 0 | 0
>1 1 | 0
>Is there a simple logic gate that will generate this output? Please don't
>say PAL... I don't have a programmer. ;-( But if it could be done with
>standard gating fairly easily, let me know!
>Neil Bradley Play a song wrong once and it's a mistake.
>Synthcom Systems, Inc. Play a song wrong twice and it's Jazz.
>ICQ #29402898
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Received on Tue Apr 24 20:29:30 2001

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