Re: Dumb EE question

From: <>
Date: Tue Apr 24 2001 - 20:59:07 EDT

On Tue, 24 Apr 2001 17:14:48 -0700 (PDT), you wrote:

>A B | O
>0 0 | 0
>0 1 | 1
>1 0 | 0
>1 1 | 0
>Is there a simple logic gate that will generate this output? Please don't
>say PAL... I don't have a programmer. ;-(

        Oh, god, no... a PAL would be _way_ overkill for this! (Frankly, I'd
fire any engineer who's first instinct was to use a PAL for such a simple

>But if it could be done with standard gating fairly easily, let me know!

        Ask and ye shall recieve: :)

     1/6 7404
       1|\ 2 _____
A ------| >O-----| \
        |/ 1 | 1/4 |______ O
                 | 7408 |3
B ---------------|_____/

        (Substitute appropriate logic family for the job at hand. :) ) Or, if
you don't mind a little extra propagation delay and would rather do it in a
single chip, then you can do this:

      _1| 1/4 \ 4 _____ _____
A ---|__| 7400 |O--------| 1/4 \ _9| 1/4 \ 8
       2|_____/ 3 ___| 7400 |O-----|__| 7400 |O-----
                     | 5|_____/ 6 10|_____/
B -------------------

"There is no virtue in suffering fools gladly, for it only encourages them to
persist in their foolishness." --Kehlog Albran
solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Tue Apr 24 21:09:06 2001

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