Re: Dumb EE question

From: Paul Kahler <>
Date: Wed Apr 25 2001 - 09:45:55 EDT

> > >Anyone know of a C compiler for the 6502. ;-)
> > I'm going to pretend I didn't see this part... :)
> I was only kidding. Just be thankful that I didn't ask for a good BASIC
> compiler for the 6502!

Actually, I had a "Basic Compiler" for the Atari800 way back. It took
regular atari basic code and produced *something* that ran without the
basic cart at a few times faster speed. It had an integer only option
that treated all variables as 16bit ints and ran about 10x faster
than plain interpreted basic. Was it really a compiler - I dunno.

Be careful what you wish for.

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