Re: Vector development platform (Re: HOAX Star Castle on Aste roids)

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Thu Apr 26 2001 - 12:41:57 EDT

> I still think the Sega G-80 system would be easiest to develop for.
> I mean, the architecture has been documented significantly by Al
> Kossow, Clay has some vector editor/viewer tools for it, there are 3
> different sound boards for use in development, AND if someone would
> figure out a way to encode the speech, you could have speech too!
> Not to mention you don't have to do a lot of ROM/RAM hacking...just
> populate the EPROM board up to the 48K allowed.

This would be nice, but I don't have a G-80 system. ;-( I'd venture a
guess that there are more Asteroids/Asteroids Deluxe owners out there than
G-80 based owners.


Neil Bradley Play a song wrong once and it's a mistake.
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Play a song wrong twice and it's Jazz.
ICQ #29402898

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