> > * How fast can the 2114s on this board actually run? Is 6Mhz too fast for
> > them to keep up? Hm.... 6Mhz=166ns if it can do a SRAM every clock. Is
> > this possible? I've found some 2114s that are rated to 200ns. Is it
> > worthwhile to swap them out?
> The address to the RAM from the 6502 isn't guaranteed valid until well into the
> cycle. Your 166 nS is probably dropping to well under 100 nS of valid address to
> valid data fetched time.
Yeah. I've found that the RAMs that are on there are 400ns (or slower), so
I've ordered more 2114s that are 200ns to replace them. I'm also going to
try out Peter's suggestion of using a 6116 SRAM, as it seems to make
things cleaner. Plus, the 6116s are available in 150ns form, which should
be fast enough to run the CPU at 6Mhz.
> If you're even going to try overclocking you will need MUCH faster RAM
> and EPROM, not to mention replacing the stock NMOS 6502 series
> processor with newer, faster CMOS parts.
I'm good to go on the EPROM (it's a 100ns part), and I did replace the
6502 with a CMOS version. I'll also have to upgrade the vector RAM as
well, as it's the slow stuff, too.
More news as it happens...
Neil Bradley Play a song wrong once and it's a mistake.
Synthcom Systems, Inc. Play a song wrong twice and it's Jazz.
ICQ #29402898
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