Re: Repair guide for G05-802/805?

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Sun Apr 29 2001 - 08:07:38 EDT

try look for the 6.3v AC heater filament voltage coming from the transformer block.. i've had 2 that have failed in this section... a most puzzling porblem when it happened to me, as it was also intermitent :)

also, with the monitor disconnected, i could measure a good 6.3v AC with my meter, but when the monitor was plugged in, i got nothing under load. leave the monitor connected and try and measure off the actual connector pins on the deflection pcb..

of course, check the molex connector for good contact too, they can gum up pretty bad causing intermittent supply..

just my 2 penneth worth

Andy Welburn
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: David Shoemaker
  Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 10:06 PM
  Subject: VECTOR: Repair guide for G05-802/805?

  Have an asteroids that doesn't show picture. Was slow to display but has finally given up. I can hear deflection and the spot killer is not lit.

  Just no picture.


  Anyone know of a good troubleshooting guide for these?


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