Re: Assistance please...

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Mon Apr 30 2001 - 21:03:02 EDT

I don't have a schematic with me, but if the 2114's have a 74LS244/245
buffer I would be replacing it at this point...

John :-#)#

At 05:39 PM 4/30/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>I'm still getting the 2 high/1 low beep sequence each time I power up my
>Asteroids Deluxe. This of course is after I made my vector hacks to the
>board. I've since removed all of my hacks and things are still not
>working. Here's what I've done:
>* Swapped out all 2114s with new 2114s and sockets
>* Verified that each socket has proper electrical connections and isn't
> shorted to any other pins
>* Put back the EPROM socket
>* Tried powering up without the vector EPROMs
>* Swapped the new RAM around to different sockets - the problem doesn't
> move
>The instructions indicate that 2 high/1 low indicate a failure at M3, but
>that 2114 has been swapped.
>I'm now completely baffled. Does anyone have any suggestions as to
>where/how to start debugging this problem? I have all the parts I need to
>continue my vector hack and I'd like to get it going again.
>Thank you!
>Neil Bradley Play a song wrong once and it's a mistake.
>Synthcom Systems, Inc. Play a song wrong twice and it's Jazz.
>ICQ #29402898
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  John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
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