RE: Need some help with an Electrohome G08

From: <>
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 07:56:44 EDT

> I've checked all the solder joints and they look good and none of the
> fuses are blowing. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas
> before I pull
> out the oscilloscope.

   Pull out your meter first and check the monitor's DC voltages.
They're the first things I check. Get a copy of the schematic,
locate and measure the +9.1V (regulated), -9.1V (reg), +55V (reg),
+63V (unregulated), -63V (unreg) and the +126V from the voltage
doubler. If these are OK then check the 100V on the Hi-Voltage
regulator board. From there, check the 22.5kV when it's working.
The Zektor manual on-line has more voltage test point values on pages
36 and 37.

David Fish "We want...Information. INFORMATION
Melrose, MA USA You won't get it! By hook or by crook we will" _The Prisoner_
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