TECH : Asteroids deluxe diagonal text/object problems

From: Andy Welburn <>
Date: Thu May 10 2001 - 19:15:57 EDT

hi all..

 I've spent most of this evening trying to get this asteroids deluxe to
display something, it was playing blind. Rather interesting, i found an
mc14016 was holding the SHCON signal somehow and killing the +8.2v back to
only 3v. Replaced it, got +8.2v back. The SHCON signal was still mishapen
when obsrved on my scope compared to a working board, so i replaced Q11
which has something to do with it too.. this restored the SHCON signal, i
got a line about 1 inch wide and only a single line high in the bottom left
of the monitor... I could see things vaguley moving around.

Determined that the problem must lay earlier in the chain, i replaced a DAC.
and the X returned, i then replaced the other DAC and the Y returned, except
i get this:

and i'm a bit stumped. Several people have seen this before, but can't place
their finger on the solution... Any ideas? i'm assuming it is a probem
before the DAC stage... the letters/graphics step up diagonally to the

thankyou for any help you can offer :)

Andy Welburn

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