Re: 74??00

From: <>
Date: Sun May 13 2001 - 13:43:20 EDT

On Sat, 12 May 2001 04:52:35 -0500, you wrote:

>Low-power Schottky. About the same power draw as the original, but faster than
>the original (but slower than 'S').

        Er... actually, no, 74LS was _slower_ than original 7400 TTL, but had
about 1/4 the current draw.

>74C series, wide voltage operation, slow as hell.

        ...built with 4000-series CMOS technology, and not at all drop-in
compatible with TTL parts. :)

>There are others that aren't too widely used.

        Wasn't there, at some point in time, a 74E series that was made up of
ECL-logic equivalents of 7400-series parts? Or have my brain cells gotten
crosswired again? :) (I could swear I remember seeing them in an old ECL
databook, but that book has long since vanished and no one else seems to
remember a 74E series...)

"There is no virtue in suffering fools gladly, for it only encourages them to
persist in their foolishness." --Kehlog Albran
solarfox@DON' (Gary Akins jr.)
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Received on Sun May 13 13:54:53 2001

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