RE: Vectrex

From: Kristopher Sandrick <>
Date: Thu May 17 2001 - 15:26:43 EDT


For a vector enthusiast, it's a must-have. At least for me, it has been...
sort of bridges the gap between my console collection and my coin-op vids.
I was fortunate enough to get an excellent deal on one with several carts
from a friend several months ago, and still enjoy it thoroughly. (though
I'd recommend acquiring one of Mark Shaker's updated cart PCB's, dropping a
ZIF socket into it and just burning games from the online libraries as
needed, rather than paying eBay prices for the carts)

A few good links to start from: - Spike's Big Page - Excellent
reference and definitive starting point for all things vectrex. (especially
links to repro gear, carts, etc.) - Brett's Vectrex Preserve - outstanding
overall tech reference... make your own lightpens and 3D goggles! - The definitive Vectrex FTP archive. Has
scans of all screen overlays, binaries of the complete original Vectrex game
library (and a few new additions) as well as complete archive of game
instruction books, etc. A must have! - DOS Vectrex Emulator - The
MAME of Vectrex! - Gregg
Woodcock's Outstanding Vectrex FAQ/history, etc - And of course, the newsgroup!

Happy Gaming!

Very respectfully,
Kristopher Sandrick

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