They are isolated from the chassis with mica or elastomeric insulators. If
using elastomerics (tan or gray in color and are flexible and rubbery) no grease
is needed. If using mica (semi-clear and won't bend much without breaking) a
THIN coating of silicone heatsink grease should be used on both sides. Not too
much, though. The whole point is to fill the pores in the mica and metal, any
more than that will start to reduce heat transfer.
Lewis Mills wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm in the middle of putting one of these monitors together. The parts I had
> did not include the chassis-mounted transistors (Q608, 609, 708, 709). I've
> got the transistors now, but I'm not sure how to mount them. Are the cases
> isolated from the chassis? Or connected to the chassis?
> Thanks,
> Lewis
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