Wanted: UR Tempest Cabinet

From: Dan <dansmsn_at_msn.com>
Date: Tue May 29 2001 - 13:47:06 EDT

A friend of mine rescued an abandoned upright Tempest game from sitting out
in the rain a few weeks back and gave it to me for restoration. While the
electronics are salvageable with lots of TLC, the cabinet is a complete
loss. Does anyone have or know of a stripped Tempest cabinet that is
available? Anything is better than what I have now, the pressboard is simply
falling apart. in fact, when I went to move it into my shop over the
weekend, the top half came completely apart!

Something located in the Seattle, WA area preferred since we can avoid all
of the shipping hassles.


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Received on Tue May 29 14:12:37 2001

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