Re: Missing Battlezone voltages

From: Chris Loggans <>
Date: Thu May 31 2001 - 10:58:43 EDT


   Replacing the 7815 and the 7805 on the main board
should fix your problem. The +15v, -15v and +5v DAC
are used exclusively by the analog output section of
the board. That is why you don't see these anywhere
else on the board. Let us know how it turns out.


--- Lewis Mills <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm just starting to try to resurrect a BZ. All
> voltages are OK at the A/R3
> (altho +22V and -22V are close to 25), and
> everywhere on the main and aux
> board except two testpoints in the lower right
> corner (as mounted in a
> cabinet). There is no voltage at a +15V testpoint
> and at one labeled "+5V
> DAC." I suspect the 7815 and 7805 in that area of
> the board; I'll try
> replacing them tomorrow. Are there other components
> I should be thinking of
> replacing? Additional info: there is +5V at other
> test points, but I see
> only this one +15V testpoint. Any pointers?
> Thanks,
> Lewis
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