Need G05 part value for R 905

From: <>
Date: Fri Jun 15 2001 - 20:52:20 EDT

Hello everyone in the vectorlist. I could use some help please.
I have started working on a G05 for my asteroids and installed a cap kit I
got from Bob Roberts. I also found bad solder joints at many of the connector
pins which I have reflowed. In the Hi voltage unit R 905 has a lot of rust on
it like it had at
one time got wet so I want to replace it. I am not sure of the correct value.
It is listed as 4K7 trim pot listed in both the parts list and schematic and
also stamped on the pot. Is this a 4K ohm or 4.7K ohm? Anyone know the correct
value? Also as I have searched Google it looks like the two wire wound
resistors R 100 and R 101 which are listed as 4R0 10w 10% can be bypassed with
a heavy gauge wire. Is this true? My deflection board still has the resistors
but they are 5 ohm 15watt 10%. This is my first G05 so I want to make sure I
get it right before I fire it up :-). I have heard I should keep the fire
extinguisher for my G08's :-)
I am still looking for an Asteroids cabinet with good sideart to put all my
parts into. If anyone knows of one anywhere in Virginia or within a days
driving distance let me know. Just need the wood cabinet, got almost
everything else but a coin door and marquee but that's the easy stuff I can
get anytime.
Thanks for any help and info.

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