Tac/Scan PROM

From: Lewis Mills <lmills01_at_home.com>
Date: Tue Jun 26 2001 - 23:02:56 EDT

The chip at U15 on one of my Tac/Scan CPU boards is bad (verified by testing
on my good CPU board). It's an MMI 6331-1J, which I think is a PROM that can
be replaced by an NTE74S288. Would somebody be willing to program one for me
if I sent you an NTE74S288? I'd be happy to throw in a few dollars, or maybe
an extra chip or two (I've got a few extra 2144s and AM2901s left over from
my Battlezone wars, and some miscellaneous 74LS types).

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Received on Tue Jun 26 23:31:38 2001

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