Re: Breaking into a Star Wars cabinet

From: Rod Spade <>
Date: Sat Jun 01 2002 - 13:46:40 EDT

It uses a flat slot key, so I'll just start with a 1/4 bit then go a
little bigger.

Thanks for the help!

Rodger Boots wrote:
> I used to use 1/4", but a slightly larger one may be better. Try 5/16
> or even 3/8.

John Robertson wrote:
> Is the lock on your coin door for a slot key or a round key? If a slot/flat
> style key, then you can simply drill out the center of the lock with a 3/8
> to 1/4 inch bit.
> A round key is much harder to drill out, you need very strong bits and what
> I find works best is to use a 3/16 bit and drill in the circle gap a number
> of times, then knock out the center part once you have weakened it enough.
> then drill out the center with a 3/8 or 1/4 bit until you destroy the
> center pin that holds the lock tab.
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