RE: Alternate Lunar Lander Game-Play

From: Rosenzweig, Joel B <>
Date: Mon Jun 03 2002 - 09:23:33 EDT

I like Lunar Lander for the same reasons. It _is_ calming. So, after about
a week or two of normal LL play, I had to start exploring the lunar terrain
in order to make sure I was getting my money's worth. I figured that
normally in the course of a game, I'd only get to see some small part of the
landscape. I decided I would take my ship and explore all over (with as
great a velocity as possible, of course!) I found that flying horizontally
was most satisfying because the landscape scrolls, which looks cool. And of
course, flying vertically and viewing some stars that I wouldn't normally
see is pretty cool, too. Simple pleasures. :-)

I suppose it falls into the same category as driving your tank around in the
Battlezone landscape, checking out the shapes and also trying to reach the
volcano. Maybe someday, my tank will make it there! ;-)


-----Original Message-----
From: Chumblespuzz []
Sent: Saturday, June 01, 2002 9:37 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Alternate Lunar Lander Game-Play

Hi All,

Well, after letting it sit in my garage for over a year, I finally got my
Lunar Lander in my arcade.

Now, I know LL is a boring game. I knew that before I got this machine. But
I really like it. I enjoy the calm pace of the game-play and, with limited
fuel (free play mode), landing sucessfully on the harder missions can be a
real challenge.

However, I've come up with an alternative objective for this game for when
I'm feeling a little on edge. My new goal is to see how fast I can be going
when I hit the ground. The idea is to get up as high as you can without
having the level reset, turn upside down and power into the ground. There's
lots of strategey - what part of land are you over, how high do you dare go,
what mission to choose, etc. It's really not that easy to get a really high
speed. My best is about 850!

I know that it's a bit sick. Perhaps all this crashing into the ground is
what's causing my objects to jitter (perhaps their scared!). But, hey, it is
fun. ;)


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