Re: XY deflection Proto

From: Jilayne Stanclif <>
Date: Wed Jun 12 2002 - 10:57:57 EDT

I have not written my yokes in stone yet. This will be something that will
have to be adjusted to see what the best results are. If you look at the
discussion on rvac you will see what I measure in real life and you could
probably get an idea of what it would do at the different voltages.

I think that the way the deflection is right now makes the unit pretty
hackable on the users end. Like I said amplifone replacement with easy cheap
parts that with a little tweaking should be able to get you speeds that
probably would not be needed for most people that are just going to use it
as a replacement. This is the target customer.


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 7:19 AM
Subject: RE: VECTOR: XY deflection Proto

> > the final will be beefer. With a few simple resistor changes and an
> increase
> > in the supply -+40 or so it will replace the 6400.
> >
> > With 2 more power transistor on each side for safety, some resistor
> > changes and +-60V it should replace the go8.
> >
> > Fred
> Your statement above assumes that the inductance of your yoke
> is the same as, or less than, that of the G08-003. Since we have
> no data on the 19K6400's yoke we'll have to assume that it's
> inductance is LESS that the G08's since it is a faster monitor
> and it's +/- rails (+/-47V) are lower than the G08's (+/-63V).
> Have you measured the inductance of the yoke you're using? Knowing
> this value will help you determine the max slew rate of your
> new deflection board/yoke combination.
> Dave
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