> I was not really trying to get offers on it from you guys.. I was more
> seeing if it was worth getting a cabinet and monitor and making It work if
> it was collectable and a neat game. I like the the atari XY stuff I think
> just looks neat. Plus the atari cabinets seem to have the best artwork.
Star castle pcbs often go for $10-$20 on ebay untested. I picked up 2
working sets for $30 off ebay once also. I have star castle pcbs coming out
of my ears, i thought i'd stock up because they were so damn cheap :)
I personally have 2 bootleg star castle machines, one upright, one cocktail,
the upright uses a special sound board with built in DACs so that the output
signal is the same as most atari's. The cocktail uses a completely
'redesigned from scratch' pcb with onboard DAC80's, again to output 'normal'
XYZ signals that atari games use :)
> I also got ahold of a Vetrex . Well I gotta pick it up tommorrow.
> Anybody ever measure the yoke on this? I think that is the first thing I
> might do.
I have used a vectrex on my testbench for doing atari vector stuff, it
requires a bit of modification before you get an acceptable/useable picture.
unfortunately it blew up recently, so i need to fix it first :)
the main issue with the vectrex is a slow blanking rate, and *slightly*
inferior slew rate. It still makes for an acceptable testbench monitor tho.
> Fred
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