Re: If you could wish for anything....

From: Jon Raiford <>
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 10:32:45 EDT

At 09:27 PM 6/23/2002 -0500, you wrote:
>Entire vector monitor. I presently have possible CRT/yoke combinations
>tracked down for 19", 25", 27", and 33". I think I also have an
>indestructible deflection board design. Cut bait or run? What's the
>most likely to be useful sizes?

This would be the single best (and hardest) project in my humble opinion. Vector monitors are pretty scarce and always seem to have issues. I would personally love to see a 33" Tempest at some point, but I imagine the 19" and 25" designs are the only ones absolutely needed. What kind of slew rates do you think you could achieve? What platforms would it be compatible with?

>Any interest in anyone helping to build any of this?

Sure, I can help fund and/or build.. Just don't ask me to design.

>>I obviously can't do all of these simultaneously, I have neither that
>kind of time or resources to do it. But I'd like to get a feel for what
>is most likely to be useful. What is most likely to sell. (What is
>most likely to pay for doing the rest of it).

I suppose it depends if your the parts of your monitor project are going to be compatible with other existing monitors. If so, maybe the RF shields could be done first, HV next, then deflection, then finally a combined, whole monitor.


P.S. If you have any extra time, do you mind coming over and cutting my grass? ;)

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Received on Mon Jun 24 07:52:04 2002

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