The recent (and past) debacles of bandwidth and what not,
have motivated a few of us to put together a possible solution.
If there is enough interest and no major objections, we're thinking it
would be nice if people could have their *own* vector mirrors of spies
and possibly other resources.
We're proposing to make archives on DVD.
This would not only keep us from being caught high and dry
when you need a manual the most (I think we've all been there),
but also help out those of us with slow internet connections
or *no* internet connections, like when you're out in the field.
We're thinking it would help keep costs down on the web based mirrors,
by keeping them from having to cover the cost of bandwidth needed to deliver
this material repeatedly; how many times have you viewed the same manual?
Also, hopefully to prevent people from feeling like they all have to make their
own mirror via a massive web download of the entire archive.
Depending on interest, we're thinking we could swing it for $20 per backup.
This would cover the costs associated with producing the disks.
This offer is intended for vectorlist members, possibly the rasterlist if it's required
to keep the cost down, but is *not* intended to be "pubic".
Please feel free to reply offline (at and let us know
if you have any interest in the project and if the price sounds reasonable.
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Received on Wed Jun 26 18:43:54 2002
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