Re: Asteroids and Deluxe PCB problems

From: Bryan Kruzynski <>
Date: Fri Jun 28 2002 - 23:10:34 EDT

> Got ahold of an Asteriods cocktail today with an extra deluxe PCB.
> Both PCB's have problems. The asteriods continues to reset with 2
> diagonal lines through the test screen. Any idea's on this? Maybe
> a divide clock chip? or should I start with the roms? They are the
> Prom types. What eprom replaces these anyone know? I reseated all
> chips with nothing changing. The deluxe displays nothing, but
> gives a series of beeps. It's beep beep booop or * * - over and
> over again. Do the deluxe's have beep codes or is this a strange
> byproduct of the board having a bizarre problem.

The Asteroids repair encyclopedia is always a good starting point.

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Received on Fri Jun 28 20:18:20 2002

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