You could connect the variac output to a mains powered transformer
that had a centre tapped output, that's the only easy way I can think of.
Just pick a centre tapped transformer that has an output voltage higher than
you need, and the variac can then turn it down.
Variac C.T.
-----< Transformer
< <-----------------> | <---------- AC
mains < > | <
in < variac out > | <---------- Centre Tap
< > | <
-----<-------------------> | <---------- AC
This is a non-isolated variac shown, some may be isolated I'm not sure, but there's
no way to modify the variac itself for CT output unless it was made that way.
You could hook up two variac's *maybe* if you were very careful to get the
phasing connected right so one is reversed and check it's safe to connect one of each
of the variac output wires together without shorting them, and then adjust them the same.
That is beyond my dodgy mains wiring competence, I'd be careful with it! :-)
----- Original Message -----
From: David Shoemaker
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 6:49 PM
Subject: VECTOR: Centertap Variac?
Is there any such beast? I need to work on a couple power supplies that take center tap AC in and of course I don't have equivalent
transformers handy. But I have a variac, any way to make it think its center tap?
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