From: John Robertson <>
Date: Thu Aug 09 2001 - 12:51:01 EDT

Meteor is the Hoei clone of Asteroids that you are thinking of, the Taito
version can also use the same Hoei XY monitor (I use one of those for my XY
test fixture) but it is an exact copy of the Atari Asteroids-I assume it
was licensed for Japan.

Round up those small B&W TV's before they are all gone!

John :-#)#

At 02:40 AM 09/08/2001, you wrote:

> >
> > Hey
> >
> > i'm am very surpise!!!
> > on my lap there's a "TAITO ASTEROIDS"!!!!
> > yes taito! it's on the pcb it look atari it has the cat box connecter!
> >
> > wow
>very interesting, i've nto seen one in person, or even heard of one before..
>chances are it uses the Hoei vector monitor....
>Which I have in my bootleg star castle cocktail table... i'm gonna pull it
>out and take some photospictures and stuff.. The picture on my one is very
>dim, you need to play the thing at night to see anything, i think the tube
>is probably just about dead. Anyone got any suggestions on how to get the
>best out of it? I was thinking of increasing the heater filament voltage to
>squeeze some more life out of it..
>That, or i'll try and find another tube from an old portable b/w tv :)
>I need to take a picture of the bootleg starcastle board too, it is a small
>set, consiting of two equal sized boards, with built in DAC's, strange DAC's
>i've not seen before either :)
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