Omega Race - Interior Artwork Question

From: Tom Baddley <>
Date: Sat Aug 18 2001 - 11:30:18 EDT

I recently picked up an Omega Race UR, and I'm in the process of restoring
it. I've got the electronics completely working, and I'm finishing up the
cabinet to put it all back together. However, I'm missing the very back
piece of blacklight artwork. The two triangular rear pieces are still there,
and show a "space" scene in day-glo colors on black. The large rectangular
piece that is directly behind the mirror has been removed.

My question is this:

Is my missing piece simply an extension of the "space" scene, with stars and
planets? On EBay, there is an Omega Race CP for auction. It shows a
different type of background with a "Tron-like" yellow grid ( ). If you enlarge this picture,
you'll see that the art goes all the way to the bottom with this pattern. I
really like this grid, and was wondering if the background art was different
between the UR and CP Omega Races?

Does anyone have a better picture of either version, so I can attempt to
reproduce it with posterboard and day-glo poster paints?

Thanks for any help you can give me.

Wichita Falls, TX

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