Re: Vectorlist FAQ -- is there one ?

From: Jess Askey <>
Date: Mon Aug 20 2001 - 23:23:12 EDT

I did this one a long time ago. Not much but it does cover the blooming problem.

If anyone wants to make one, I can put the newer version there on gamearchive.

"Christopher X. Candreva" wrote:
> A few things recently have made me thing a Vectorlist (or at least Vector
> Game) FAQ is needed. Most recently, it was a post on RGVAC from someone
> ready to junk a Battle Zone because the screen was blooming !
> Is there anything like a Vector FAQ started ? I checked at
> and didn't see anything, not withstanding the Greg
> Woodcock's 'bible' and Mike Kelly's Ampliphone FAQ. These two are
> indispensible, but I think something is needed for an 'overview'.
> Since I've wanted to try out Faq-O-Matic anyway for work, this seems like a
> good opportunity to test it out. I should have FOM running tomorrow, and if
> nothing else exists, volunter to set one up.
> Here are some questions that have come to mind -- consider this a
> solicitation for others:
> What is a Vector Game ?
> What Vector games were made ?
> Why did they even bother ? Aren't regular graphics good enough ?
> Why would I collect Vector games ? I hear they start on fire.
> Aren't they hard to fix ?
> What tools should I have ?
> Help -- it's not working !
> (how to get started, determine if it's the PCB or monitor, work from
> there)
> What is the difference between the digital and analog vector generators ?
> What are the different monitors ?
> How can I fix my (game X) ?
> How can I keep my (game X) from breaking again ?
> The picture on my (BW vector game) has gotten very large, past the edges of
> the screen (blooming).
> How do I keep my (Sega Vector Game) from starting on fire ?
> ==========================================================
> Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
> WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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