RE: WG6100 display problems

From: Dennis Shirk <>
Date: Tue Aug 21 2001 - 11:27:46 EDT

I have two AVG PCBs, but only a single AVG processor. If I test on the other
AVG PCB, I have to move the processor from one to the other. The same
display problems exist on both boards using the same processor. I was
wondering if the processor could be responsible, but the consensus so far
seems to suggest that it is unlikely.


-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Loggans []
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: RE: VECTOR: WG6100 display problems


   I don't remember seeing this in any of the
messages, but do you know for sure that the SW
boardset is OK? I've seen this problem with Tempest
and it was a problem in the analog output section of
the vector generator, not the monitor.


--- Dennis Shirk <>
> This is in reference to the following URL:
> I received a couple bits of advice yesterday. I
> spent the evening messing
> around with the lin and bip pots on the star wars
> boardset. It still would
> not clean up the vectors. About the only thing I
> found would help is
> reducing the over-all screen size by about 35%. This
> brought the vectors
> into alignment with each other, but left me with a
> very small playing area.
> I also noticed the colors brightened considerably
> when I did this. Could
> this be a sign of a failing HV?
> Any other suggestion or tidbits of knowledge?
> Thanks!
> Dennis

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