RE: WG 6100 Deflection Board Problem

From: Jeff Hendrix <>
Date: Wed Aug 29 2001 - 11:25:26 EDT

Your problem is with the Y axis.

-----Original Message-----
From: jerry madsen []
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2001 9:01 AM
Subject: Re: VECTOR: WG 6100 Deflection Board Problem

The problem is along the long axis of the monitor on
one half of the monitor.I put the deflection boars in
a gravitar and the squiggly images are on the bottom
half of the screen if you were looking straight at
it.Which would be the long axis of the monitor.This is
the case with every other vector game.If I put it in a
tempest the problem is on the right side which would
be the bottom on most other vector games accept for
quantum and tempest.So would this be the X-Axis I am
dealing with?

--- wrote:
> On Tue, 28 Aug 2001 21:54:44 -0700, you wrote:
Er... actually, as far as the monitor electronics
> are concerned, X is
> always across the long axis (the horizontal axis on
> a normal, i.e.
> "landscape-oriented" monitor), while Y is always
> across the short axis.
> This is why you can put the same WG6100 in a TEMPEST
> or a SPACE DUEL and
> still have it work. Vertically-oriented games like
> TEMPEST are either
> programmed to draw sideways, or they have the X/Y
> signals swapped on the
> connector going up to the monitor. (I forget which
> - I know raster games
> "draw sideways", but swapping X/Y on a vector would
> seem easier...)
> So, if the right half of his TEMPEST is scrambled,
> he needs to be
> checking his Y deflection circuits, not his X. :)
> "There is no virtue in suffering fools gladly, for
> it only encourages them to
> persist in their foolishness."
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> solarfox@DON'
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Received on Wed Aug 29 08:26:25 2001

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