Looks like you can get the lowdown of the show at
Neil Bradley wrote:
>>Perhaps my server isn't serving it out correctly. Right click and save? Dunno.
>Thanks for the original link. It's working perfectly from there!
>>Anyway, the video is kinda lame
>You're right - it's a bunch of dorks playing video games. ;-) And they
>really liked that big guy wearing the blue shirt - he came up a lot! Dunno
>who he is - is he important?
>>(not the Zektor product). You can see
>>a brief glimpse of a Zektor 'logo' attract mode followed by a quick
>>shot of Tempest playing on what looks like a G05 encased in a box.
>Actually, it's not really playing. Zonn mentioned that he was going to
>take a few still shots from Retrocade and "still frame" them as a
>slideshow for the demos. He didn't have time to get the parallel port code
>done. Also, note there's nothing plugged in to the ZVG parallel port. ;-)
>>Then the videographer moves across the table to see the Zektor flyer
>>and two of the prototypes in a clear acrylic box to a fade out. Sorry,
>>no pictures of either Zonn or Bill.
>I think that's Bill behind the flyers, so you get an inverse bust shot of
>him. ;-)
>>And speaking of, they've both been rather quiet since the debut. I
>>suspect they took all the prepayments and went on a gambling binge.
>They don't have internet access during their stay. I'm waiting for Zonn to
>email me so we can get the parallel port stuff working!
>So what happened to the laser guy who was going to do a vector generator
>board? He fell REALLY silent after the time the ZVG made its initial
>vectorlist debut...
>Neil Bradley What are burger lovers saying
>Synthcom Systems, Inc. about the new BK Back Porch Griller?
>ICQ #29402898 "It tastes like it came off the back porch." - Me
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