Re: TECH:Two Lunar Lander issues no y or z out & a "resetting" issue.

From: peter jones <>
Date: Fri Aug 23 2002 - 02:43:49 EDT

-----Original Message-----
From: "Bert Ankrom" <>
To: <>
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 2002 14:15:39 -0600
Subject: TECH:VECTOR: Two Lunar Lander issues no y or z out & a "resetting"

> Hello,
> I thought it was time for me to actually join this list since I have 3 vector
games that always seem to need one thing or another. I spent a several hours
over the weekend going through the list archives and I was very impressed with
the knowledge base of the people here and the intelligent thought provoking
discussions with minimal flaming. I have grown slightly weary of RGVAC and all
the FS/FT, flame wars and general BS etc. I look forward to participating where
appropriate with this group.
> I've been collecting for about 6 years so I've been around the block with
some minor board and monitor issues (edge connectors reseating sockets,
replacing sockets, burning eproms, cap kits etc.), but as yet I haven't done
anything along the lines of logic troubleshooting. That brings me to this
point... requesting some help.
Your games do not have to go wrong for you to join this group :-)

1st off, you should modify the AR pcb to remove the regulator-feedback circuit.

[ANDY WELBURN - feel free to jump in here.]

the problem you describe sounds familiar,
look at the vector command stack.

in a vector game commands are placed in a stack until they can be processed.

the self-test dont use many commands, so the stack is not fully used.

in gameplay however - the stack is used fully, and then the faults can show up.

think of it like a cach, the cpu places the commands to draw the vectors in it,
and the vector engine reads them out whenever it has time.


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Received on Fri Aug 23 00:01:58 2002

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