Re: Gravitar - Quantum control panel

From: Louis Srianomai <>
Date: Wed Aug 28 2002 - 21:53:48 EDT

I never meant to imply that Gravitar had a shelf. If you look in these
pictures (please excuse the raster monitor that's in one of my gravs) you see
that there are actually two wood pieces that need to be modified/cut so that a
vertical monitor will get clearence and visibility. The first is the wood
panel that holds the latches, you need to hack this so that the monitor could
sit far forward enough. If you don't you run the risk of the back of the
monitor hitting the back door. If you try and set it on top, you will not see
the top 1/4 of your monitor. The second piece of wood is the mounting frame
just behind the latch piece that holds the monitor in place, that would
definitely need to be modifed to hold a vert monitor up.

from above:

from underneath:

Lastly, I'm using a space duel as an example. shows you why you would need to
cut the CP and/or cut the CPO. The Trackball hole print in the CPO just
doesn't sit far back enough. Sure you could slide the CPO up, but then the P1
start button would end up on the bend. Leave the CPO slid down (as in the
picture) and there's no way you could fit a Tball toward the front of the CP.
It's too tight underneath. You could do it without a Quant CPO much easier.

Don't get me wrong, a gravitar/quant can be done, but not easily. I pretty
much gave up on this idea after realizing the amount of wood and metal work
needed. Instead, I'm putting my quant board into a Tempest while using a an
old Millipede CP. Millipede should fit in a tempest while plugging up the fire
button hole, but I wont' be able to use my overlay.


--- Daniel Piraino <> wrote:
> I had a dedicated Black Widow that had no shelf I would
> say the Gravitar and BW are the same.
> Dan
> Joe Bachmann wrote:
> > Dan,
> >
> > Your right, I was thinking of my BW cabinet - it has the vertical wood
> > piece. I believe I have an extra one if someone needs one.
> >
> >
> > SD has the shelf.
> > BW has vert piece. (or at least the proto does)
> > Quantum has vert. piece
> > Gravitar should have vert. piece if BW does, right?
> >
> > JB
> >
> > Daniel Piraino wrote:
> >
> >> If you use a Graivtar cabinet you wouldnt have the wooden shelf
> >> holding up the monitor. The Space Duel would have one, but not
> >> Gravitar. I have both a Space Duel and Gravitar cab. in the basement,
> >> so im positive on this. As far as remounting it, something would have
> >> to be fabricated.
> >> Dan Piraino
> >>
> >> Joe Bachmann wrote:
> >>
> >>>Correct me if I am wrong here, but weren't some quantums factory converted
> >>>Gravitars? I believe the cabinets are identical, except as you said, the
> >>>horizontal monitor. The monitor direction is easily (although time
> consumignly)
> >>>reorientated by remove the vertical wood mounted and mounting it the other
> >>>direction. You wouldn't want to cut the piece of wood. I have seen where a
> Quantum
> >>>cab had the wood piece oriented horizontally.
> >>>
> >>>The trackball should fit as most of it would hang towards the back.
> Someone with
> >>>more a Quantum and Gravitar cab should be able to answer this.
> >>>
> >>>JB
> >>>
> >>>Louis Srianomai wrote:
> >>>
> >>>>I had this discussion with Jay Gallagher last night. The problem is the
> >>>>mounting of a vertical monitor into a cabinet and cp that is made for
> >>>>horizontal.
> >>>>
> >>>>If you were to mount a vert monitor in a gravitar/space duel, it would
> require
> >>>>you to cut the piece of wood going across that holds the monitor up.
> Most
> >>>>importantly, you'd have to take about 3 to 4 inches off the top of
> control
> >>>>panel so it wouldn't overlap over the sight of the monitor.
> >>>>
> >>>>Lastly a 3" trackball would barely fit into the CP. Where the tball
> fits,
> >>>>would definitely not line up with a Quantum CPO. You'd have to hack the
> CPO.
> >>>>I haven't speced it out with a 2 1/4", but I think the 3" is what you
> need.
> >>>>
> >>>>Anyways, not an easy project and definitely requires hacking.
> >>>>
> >>>>L.
> >>>>
> >>>>--- Ian Boffin <> wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>>Hi,
> >>>>>
> >>>>>I have a pretty shabby Gravitar CP that I'm considering converting to a
> >>>>>Quantum CP. I'm not 100% sure how the trakball mounts to the CP on
> >>>>>Quantum (how it fits in there, where the bolt holes are etc.) so I was
> >>>>>wondering if anyone can think of any reason why it would be unfeasible
> >>>>>to do this conversion (location of the start buttons for example). I'm
> >>>>>assuming/hoping that the Quantum trakball is a standard 3"
> >>>>>Millipede-sized one, as I have one of these going spare.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>The other possibility is that I make a Quantum CP from scratch, as I
> >>>>>know it is a slightly different shape to the Gravitar one. If I go down
> >>>>>this route does anyone have the dimensions and angles for the Quantum
> CP?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Also, anyone know if the Quantum CPOs are still available?
> >>>>>
> >>>>>Thanks
> >>>>>Ian
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
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