Re: Start button game switcher WORKS (mostly)

From: Neil Bradley <>
Date: Mon Sep 10 2001 - 16:08:17 EDT

> I upgraded the de-bounce caps from .1 µf to 1µf as suggested. If you tap
> both start buttons, it advances to the next program and hits the reset line,
> pretty much does exactly what I wanted. If you hold the buttons down,
> though, it advances two games. Oh well.

For this, why not use a small micro, like a Philips 1K MCS-51 part that
has onboard Masked ROM, RAM, and pins galore? All you'd need is the chip,
two caps and a crystal and then you can change the behavior. Far more
flexible that brute forcing it with gates.


Neil Bradley All your base MIDI channel are belong to us.
Synthcom Systems, Inc.
ICQ #29402898

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