I wish it was that simple! Apparently, I have a later revision of the Red
Baron AVG. It's marked "D" and has 9 ROMs, not 8 like my BZ boards. The
schematic on line at
http://www.spies.com/arcade/schematics/atari/RedBaron2A.tiff shows (I think)
a "C;" it seems to be the same configuration I have.
The manual I have also says on the AVG parts list page:
Although this PCB may closely resemble Battlezone and other X-Y game PCBs,
it is not interchangeable with them. Attempting to use this Red Baron PCB in
any other game may cause a fire!"
> Okay, now that we've all had a laugh, here's some *useful* information:
> The game ROMs are on the AVG board, not the Aux board. You need to replace
> the BZ ROMs on the AVG board with those for Red Baron. That, and
> a Red Baron Aux board, will give you a complete Red Baron boardset.
> -aramos
> --
> Anthony Ramos________
> 600 SE 39th Ave., # 3 \__ aramos@ele-mental.org .. aramos@hyperreal.org
> Portland, OR 97214 \___ information design .. multimedia production
> (503) 236-6303 \____________interactive art .. image synthesis
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