Re: Lunar Lander Lights

From: Tom Cloud <>
Date: Mon Sep 17 2001 - 14:45:50 EDT

My LL does this also. One thing I've noticed though, is that it does not do it in free play mode, only in coin it up mode  ???   I took it out of free play so I could play a longer game, and that's when I noticed the pulsing on the control panel lights. Kind of strange.  I was going to replace the big blue cap on the power supply and see if that smooths out the power. Haven't had a chance yet... 


Tom Cloud

>From: "chumblespuzz"
>Subject: VECTOR: Lunar Lander Lights
>Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 00:18:20 -0400
>Hi All,
>My LL mission lights pulse - not flash, but get brighter and dimmer at about
>a 3Hz rate. Is this normal or should I start digging into my AR1 or mission
>select pcb?
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