Black Widow ROMs

From: Kev <>
Date: Fri Sep 21 2001 - 14:39:37 EDT

Jeff, I edited & CC'ed this to a group of people that may be able to help
you today, before I can.

I'd also mention that it is highly possible that the -106 checksum was miss
keyed as a 5 for a 4 when I entered the database.


> > I'd be happy to help you. I need to go home this evening & send you a
> > of the ROM.
> Thanks!
> > In the mean time
> >
> >
> > html
> >
> > Are those ROMs different than yours?
> Afraid not. What I've got is access to is a Gravitar with non-original
> so these were probably exactly where my ROMs came from.

Only problem is, the Black Widow ROMs I have a faulty checksum on ROMs
136017-105 and 136017-106. I'm getting 88DF for -105 and 6482 for -106.
site has 88E1 for -105 and 6582 for -106. The POST confirms that -105 is
faulty and, from what I've reverse-engineered, your 88E1 looks like it
be the correct checksum. My -106 doesn't generate a POST error, but the
only checks the lower 8 bits of the checksum.

The reason I'm writing is that I'm hoping you could help me resolve this. I
would like to compare my -105 and -106 against what you've got and determine
which -106 has the valid data (through disassembly).

Any help would be much appreciated. Unfortunately, our schedule is such
we only have a few days to resolve this. I can offer some modest form of
compensation for your time.

If you need to talk to me further, I can be reached at (Deleted)

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