Hi Douglas,
Did you download the Star Wars troubleshooting guide? That has a lengthy
discussion of the option switch errors and what they mean. Here's a link
to an online version...
The PDF of the entire manual include the troubleshooting guide is here...
On your 2nd question, I bet there's a buffer chip a (74ls245) that's bad
somewhere. On Atari boards when you have RAM errors and swapping RAMs
doesn't work, it's usually a buffer chip. Check chips 4F and 4H. If it's
not the buffer chip, it could be some address decode logic that's not
working. Using a logic probe to see what's going on might help you out.
Good luck!
At 01:59 PM 9/25/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Hi all,
>I have two different machines each with a different problem. The first gives
>me divider errors:
>Opt Sw Num Div Den Is Error
>NNNN FFFF 4000 4000 4000 4010
>NNNN FFNN 2AAA 2AAA 4000 4018
>NNNN FNFF 5555 5555 4000 400C
>Can anyone decode this screen for me? What _are_ the option switches and the
>rest? Also (of course) how can I fix this?
>Second machine indicates bad math ram at 5F and 5H which I assume are the
>socketed chips on the main board and no the 74LS194AN chips on the AVG
>board. The thing is I replaced them and still get the same error during self
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