WTB: Omega Race boardset (working or non-corroded)

From: Werner Sharp <sharpw_at_bellsouth.net>
Date: Fri Oct 05 2001 - 12:13:53 EDT

Hi all,

Does anyone have an working or non-corroded Omega Race boardset they'd like
to sell or trade? I need at least one but maybe 2 boardsets.

I'm also looking for a working or non-corroded Taito Qix main board.

Yes, I'm stuck in battery acid hell today. Has anyone brought a board back
that has had battery damage? I can manage to replace the ICs but it looks
like a bunch of the through-hole solder points are corroded as well. I'm
not sure how I would go about fixing those, except to add lots of jumper wires.

I have a lot of parts for trade. Let me know what you're looking for or
how much cash you want. Thanks.

Werner Sharp

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Received on Fri Oct 5 09:22:42 2001

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