WTB: H1812 hv diode or equiv [was monitor woes]

From: thomas.angus <thomas.angus_at_btinternet.com>
Date: Fri Oct 12 2001 - 05:49:51 EDT

thanks for everyones excellent help on this, as you can tell im very green
[2 weeks green =D] and need a bit of spoonfeeding, i have enclosed a pic of
my current failed diode, as the number on it is 1802, and not 1812, as
mentioned in the emails on list, (may this of been its downfall?),

incase this list strips attachments i have also uploaded it here:

im in the uk and am obviously now in the market for a new one, if anyone has
any for sale, (Omar V ??).

thanks again for your help

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Received on Fri Oct 12 01:59:36 2001

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