> I presume that the HALT topic is ultimately vector related based on
> non-vector comments such as this...
> Someone found a prototype Robotron cabaret several months ago that appeared
> to have been wired at the factory for halt. You may want to contact the
> owner and get some of the details. Check Google Groups for the various
> messages related to the game, it was probably 3+ months ago.
If you want to do a halt on vector games, the foreground code will still
need to be telling the vector generator to go draw the contents of the
vector RAM at a regular rate, otherwise the display will go blank. Don't
expect stopping the processor to result in a steady picture. It won't
Neil Bradley All your base MIDI channel are belong to us.
Synthcom Systems, Inc. All your FreeBSD are belong to us.
ICQ #29402898 Ban low performance drivers, not high performance cars.
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Received on Mon Oct 22 15:08:04 2001
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